set arrow function

I am stuck in my attempts to set on the charts symbols instead of execute orders while backtesting. Can someone help with a code snippet that is supposed to draw thumbs up for example when a condition is met?
When I replace
SetArrow(10, High, 241, Red);
I do not get any result.
For your info I am using MT3.
I don't think it's possible to write an arrow on the chart using just an Expert Advisor. I wish it could.

- Vooch
For example
void SetArrow(datetime ArrowTime, double Price, double ArrowCode, color ArrowCollor)
 int err;
 string ArrowName = DoubleToStr(ArrowTime,0);
   if (ObjectFind(ArrowName) != -1) ObjectDelete(ArrowName);
   if(!ObjectCreate(ArrowName, OBJ_ARROW, 0, ArrowTime, Price))
     Print("error: can't create Arrow! code #",err," ",ErrorDescription(err));
   ObjectSet(ArrowName, OBJPROP_ARROWCODE, ArrowCode);
   ObjectSet(ArrowName, OBJPROP_COLOR , ArrowCollor);
   ObjectSet(ArrowName, OBJPROP_WIDTH  , ArrowSize);
Rosh (or anyone),

Is there a way to get the Wingding symbols to work with that script?

i got it working. thanks!
Put your emotions on the chart, not in the trade...

You make a 100 pip profit and ring the register...
SetArrow(Time[0],Ask,37,Green); // Bell

You make a profit...
SetArrow(Time[0],Ask,74,Green); // Smiley Face

You make a 5-pip profit...
SetArrow(Time[0],Ask,73,Green); // High-Five Hand

Your defensive trailing stop takes you out...
SetArrow(Time[0],Ask,66,Green); // Missile

Your take a small loss...
SetArrow(Time[0],Ask,75,Red); // Angry Face

You get stopped out...
SetArrow(Time[0],Ask,79,Red); // Surrender Flag

Your ready to jump out the window...
SetArrow(Time[0],Ask,255,Yellow); // Windows

Your 10 pip trade turns into a 200 pip loss...
SetArrow(Time[0],Ask,77,Yellow); // Bomb

Your account goes down to zero from a misguided autotrade...
SetArrow(Time[0],Ask,78,Gray); // Skull & Crossbone
