metatrader error when trying to login with Python, error code = (-10005, 'IPC timeout')


I am trying to login to Metatrader account and I have been receiving this error code.

Please see code below;

I first import necessary libraries and initialize which works fine

from datetime import datetime

import MetaTrader5 as mt5


But when I try to log in using the below code, I receive this error - 

failed to connect at account #51166970, error code: (-10005, 'IPC timeout')

In  [14]:


authorized=mt5.login(account, password='z6kjjrtr', server='ICMarketsSC-Demo')

if authorized:


    print("Show account_info()._asdict():")

    account_info_dict = mt5.account_info()._asdict()

    for prop in account_info_dict:

        print("  {}={}".format(prop, account_info_dict[prop]))


    print("failed to connect at account #{}, error code: {}".format(account, mt5.last_error()))

I also read some post about similar errors which asked I specify the path, please see post links ( and and, so I edited my code but received this error - initialize() failed, error code = (-10005, 'IPC timeout')

As noted in an answer here ( I changed my path from

"C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 5\terminal64.exe"


"C:/Program Files/MetaTrader 5/terminal64.exe"

#start the platform with initialize()
if not mt5.initialize("C:/Program Files/MetaTrader 5/terminal64.exe", login=22000642, password="duzhhjkd8", server="Deriv-Demo"):   
    print("initialize() failed, error code =", mt5.last_error())
    mt5.login(login=22000642, password='duzhhjkd8', server='Deriv-Demo')

How can I rectify this

MetaTrader5 libarary in Python 3.7
MetaTrader5 libarary in Python 3.7
  • 2019.09.20
  • Çağlar Can Sarıkaya
I am trying to analyze currency data using MT5 in Python but it is not working. I didn't understand where is the problem? even importing is not work This is the error:

Please any Answer to the Question Above, it'll be really Helpful.
T for Thanks



I have same error, I will help you. Everybody not good to help persons.

1. Make sure 

  • Tools/Options/Allow algorithmic trading is CHECKED
  • UNCHECK: Tools/Options/Allow algorithmic trading/Disable algorithmic trading via external Python API

2. Click "Open an Account" from File. Select correct broker and login successfully. Then you close MT5 is you like. If you had account already created from code first delete from navigator window.

I think the code works only if you had a manual successful connection to account first, then all future code connections will accept.

Remember above will work if code is correct and you get -10005, 'IPC timeout' from "mt5.last_error()".

Thank you. Be good to others too.