CSV Delimiter is wrong

In the dictionary it says
int FileOpen( string filename, int mode, int delimiter=';')

The question is - where is the cross point between
int and ; as delimiter?

the function return error either with ";" as delimiter or with 59 as ascii code or without 3rd parameter.

Furthur more I tried to apply the sample from the FileWrite function listed in the dictionary
  int handle;
  datetime orderOpen=OrderOpenTime();
  handle=FileOpen("filename", FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE, "\t");
     FileWrite(handle, Close[0], Open[0], High[0], Low[0], TimeToStr(orderOpen));

as a result I've got in the log:

14:52:55 : wrong delimiter for FileOpen as CSV function
14:52:55 EURUSD,M1: can't open file error-4051
14:52:55 EURUSD,M1: File is not open.

I use the lase version of MT on XP SP2