Handling code of histogram generated from multiple timeframe.


Hello everyone, 

I'm trying to calculate the summation between 2 Histograms in different timeframes and fit it in the lower timeframe, but my code is not perfect.

could anyone help me reversion my code, please?

 for(int iDev = limit; iDev>= 0; iDev--)
      double DevFP   = CalculateMTFFieldPrice(MTFDevAppliedPrice   ,DevTF  ,iDev );

double CalculateMTFFieldPrice(int MTFAppliedPrice,int MTF ,int i ){


You are mixing apples and oranges.

Ahmed Elsayed:

Hello everyone, 

I'm trying to calculate the summation between 2 Histograms in different timeframes and fit it in the lower timeframe, but my code is not perfect.

could anyone help me reversion my code, please?

clear more, please