If you've already much free time due to running the forex trading business, type here! and give the reason.


If you've already much free time due to running the forex trading business, type here! and give the reason.

Good luck.

I think am because I started using mt5 as from 2018 and I get a lot of profit I thinks this my time to trade
Hansen: If you've already much free time due to running the forex trading business, type here! and give the reason.Good luck.

There is no such thing as "extra free time" if successful at trading. It is a full time job just like any other profession.

If you think you can sit back on a beach, sipping your drink, while the money roles in on it's own, then you are delusional and have fallen for "the scam".

Being a trader is hard work, and requires dedication and effort.

8Fb7f622 #:
I think am because I started using mt5 as from 2018 and I get a lot of profit I thinks this my time to trade
You are so cool bro.. Good luck