getting hourly range in a day and over x days


Hi all,

I need to get the hourly range High - Low of a day and over x days.

I written a sample to get daily range, how do I modify to get hourly range for a day and over x days?

   double   low  = 0,
            high = 0,
            total = 0,


   for(int i = 0; i < SymbolsTotal(1); i++)
      total = 0;

      adjustPT = SymbolInfoDouble(SymbolName(i, 1), SYMBOL_POINT);

      for(int x = 1; x <= count; x++)
         low  = iLow(SymbolName(i, 1), PERIOD_D1, x);
         high = iHigh(SymbolName(i, 1), PERIOD_D1, x);

         total += (high - low) / adjustPT;

      Print(SymbolName(i, 1) + "," + DoubleToString(total / count));
Dua Yong Rew :

Hi all,

I need to get the hourly range High - Low of a day and over x days.

I written a sample to get daily range, how do I modify to get hourly range for a day and over x days?

Use the barshift function to get information about a specific bar

  1. Dua Yong Rew: I written a sample to get daily range, how do I modify to get hourly range for a day and over x days?

    Why not just call iATR?

  2. Dua Yong Rew: I need to get the hourly range High - Low of a day and over x days.

    That you have to code yourself.

    Not tested, not compiled, just typed.

    double ave_range_hour(int count, int hour){
       datetime when = date() + hour*PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_H1);
       double   sum=0; int n=0;
       while(n < count){
          int      iBar=iBarShift(_Symbol, PERIOD_H1, when, true);
          if(iBar >= 0)){
             sum  += iHigh(_Symbol, PERIOD_H1, iBar)
                   -  iLow(_Symbol, PERIOD_H1, iBar);  ++n;
          when -= PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_D1);
       return sum / count;

    Not tested, not compiled, just typed.

              Find bar of the same time one day ago - MQL4 programming forum #1 & #6 (2017)

William Roeder #:
  1. Why not just call iATR?

  2. That you have to code yourself.

    Not tested, not compiled, just typed.

    Not tested, not compiled, just typed.

              Find bar of the same time one day ago - MQL4 programming forum #1 & #6 (2017)

I am also trying to find the same indicator.

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