[Solved] Probable bug when compiling Services from a Shared Project, they get transfered to the Scripts category folder.


EDIT: Solved! It was my mistake. See next post!

Normally when compiling MQL programs from a Shared Project, MetaEditor will automatically transfer the compiled executable to the necessary category of the standard folders for "Experts", "Indicators" and "Scripts".

However, when compiling "Services", they get transferred to the Scripts category. It seems that even if I place the source in a sub-folder named "Services", it will transfer them to the Scripts none the less.

Given that both Scripts and Services use the "OnStart" event handler, MetaEditor seems incapable to distinguish between the two even when the sub-folder is properly named.


Sorry, but it was my mistake. I forgot to add the service property.

#property service
It is now transferring to the correct category!