IndicatorCreate in MQL4?!


Is there a chance that MetaQuotes will include the IndicatorCreate() function in MQL4? 

It is very necessary function that is used in MQL5 for dynamic loading of external indicators and reading their buffer signals via MqlParam and IND_CUSTOM.

Dmitry Zhakov:

Is there a chance that MetaQuotes will include the IndicatorCreate() function in MQL4? 

It is very necessary function that is used in MQL5 for dynamic loading of external indicators and reading their buffer signals via MqlParam and IND_CUSTOM.

for testing parameters?

Dmitry Zhakov: Is there a chance that MetaQuotes will include the IndicatorCreate() function in MQL4? It is very necessary function that is used in MQL5 for dynamic loading of external indicators and reading their buffer signals via MqlParam and IND_CUSTOM.
MT4 is no longer being developed for several years now. They only update for fixing critical bugs.
It is very pity, since many traders continue use MT4 and like MT4 more than MT5. And in MT4 are missing some very important functions like IndicatorCreate() with possibility to assign dynamically MqlParam and load external indicators. iCustom is very limited since it can load external indicators only statically.
Dmitry Zhakov:

Is there a chance that MetaQuotes will include the IndicatorCreate() function in MQL4? 

Topics concerning MT4 and MQL4 have their own section.

In future please post in the correct section.

I have moved your topic to the MQL4 and Metatrader 4 section.