please help me correct a programe

I want to set up an alert in my candlesticks chart, for example in 5min chart, while the length of the coming candlestick is longer than 30 point. But there is some wrong in my programe,please correct it , or give me a new

#property copyright "mpfx"
#property link ""

extern int target = 30;

//| expert start function |
int start()
static int flag;

if (flag ==0)
if ( MathAbs(Close[0]-Open[0])>=target/1000 )

Alert(" long K reached " );
//PlaySound("Alert.wav ");
Print(" Target Reached ",Close[0]);

flag = 1 ;

if ( MathAbs( Close[0]-Open[0])<target/1000 )

{flag = 0;}


if ( MathAbs(High[0]-Low[0])>=target*Point)