IsTradeAllowed - page 2

Lorentzos Roussos #: < Dear mods , it would be very nice when you move threads to inform the OP by PM .I know how to look around and find it ,but someone not familiar with the forum may assume other things and leave. Unless you factored that in and did not PM me in which case i apologize .  Happy new year :) >
I don't think it's usual procedure for mods to PM when moving threads. I do notice however, that @Keith Watford usefully leaves a message on the actual thread which causes a push notification to be send to the OP.
Fernando Carreiro #:
I don't think it's usual procedure for mods to PM when moving threads. I do notice however, that @Keith Watford usefully leaves a message on the actual thread which causes a push notification to be send to the OP.

I only do that when it is not obvious that the topic is in the wrong section when it is started. Ie. there have been a number of posts in the thread where it is assumed that it is about MQL5 and then it comes to light that it is MQL4 that the OP is discussing.

Fernando Carreiro #:
I don't think it's usual procedure for mods to PM when moving threads. I do notice however, that @Keith Watford usefully leaves a message on the actual thread which causes a push notification to be send to the OP.

I have noticed Keith is at least leaving messages on the thread as well . But where is the notification ? i have missed that , in the app ?

edit : did they update the app to access the forums ? (i havent used it in a while)

Lorentzos Roussos #: I have noticed Keith is at least leaving messages on the thread as well . But where is the notification ? i have missed that , in the app ? edit : did they update the app to access the forums ? (i havent used it in a while)
If you have enabled push notifications in your website profile settings, then you will be notified of any posts on the threads you created, or where users have specifically referenced you with the "@".
Fernando Carreiro #:
If you have enabled push notifications in your website profile settings, then you will be notified of any posts on the threads you created, or where users have specifically referenced you with the "@".

Interesting , i did not know that . And it shows you part of what the reply is ? you cannot read it on the spot i guess .

Why not do that on the site too and on the platform though ? 

edit (there is probably a loss of re-engagement from the iphone apps then , which would mean i am right about social media   😈 😇 and it explains the "world cup dropped mq traffic but not forex factory 😋 -assumption without metrics) 
Lorentzos Roussos #: Interesting , i did not know that . And it shows you part of what the reply is ? you cannot read it on the spot i guess .


Lorentzos Roussos #: Why not do that on the site too and on the platform though ?

It used to do that. It stopped doing that probably a year or two ago, if I am not mistaken.

Lorentzos Roussos #: edit (there is probably a loss of re-engagement from the iphone apps then

On the iPhone you can use the MQL5 Channels app instead.

FYI: Push Notifications on iOS devices — "MQL5 Channels" app.

This is just an informative post for those of you with iOS devices that can no longer install the MetaTrader app, but still wish to receive push notifications. There is another MetaQuotes app that is still allowed on the Apple iOS store, and can receive push notifications. I am referring to the MQL5

Fernando Carreiro #:


It used to do that. It stopped doing that probably a year or two ago, if I am not mistaken.

On the iPhone you can use the MQL5 Channels app instead.

FYI: Push Notifications on iOS devices — "MQL5 Channels" app.

This is just an informative post for those of you with iOS devices that can no longer install the MetaTrader app, but still wish to receive push notifications. There is another MetaQuotes app that is still allowed on the Apple iOS store, and can receive push notifications. I am referring to the MQL5

That is very useful . You can read the forum too and reply ?

Why were the iphone apps culled ? 

That could have been a broker complaint or something (if it did in the platform) , i mean , why stop it if it's beneficial (excluding the spammy spammersons of course)


@Lorentzos Roussos #: That is very useful . You can read the forum too and reply? Why were the iphone apps culled ? That could have been a broker complaint or something (if it did in the platform) , i mean , why stop it if it's beneficial (excluding the spammy spammersons of course)

I think (my opinion, not fact) that it stopped on the site due to a human mistake. When the site went through an update, they changed how a post is quoted when you hit reply. Before it would have an link to the user (aka the @reference), but now not (that is why I add it manually sometimes). I think it was a human error and they just were not inclined to correct it. Or maybe it was generating too much traffic and overloading their push notifications.

Regarding apps being removed from the iOS store, it is my personal opinion (not fact) based on 3rd party sources, that due to the high frequency of scam brokers using MetaTrader software, Apple decided that MetaQuotes was not being responsible enough and not vetting to whom they sold their software, so they took action themselves and banned the app. It is obviously only am opinion, not a fact.

Fernando Carreiro #:

I think (my opinion, not fact) that it stopped on the site due to a human mistake. When the site went through an update, they changed how a post is quoted when you hit reply. Before it would have an link to the user (aka the @reference), but now not (that is why I add it manually sometimes). I think it was a human error and they just were not inclined to correct it. Or maybe it was generating too much traffic and overloading their push notifications.

Regarding apps being removed from the iOS store, it is my personal opinion (not fact) based on 3rd party sources, that due to the high frequency of scam brokers using MetaTrader software, Apple decided that MetaQuotes was not being responsible enough and not vetting to whom they sold their software, so they took action themselves and banned the app. It is obviously only am opinion, not a fact.

Ow , i though notifications were firing inside the desktop terminals too .

Yeah i have heard apple is way stricter with apps 

Lorentzos Roussos #: Ow, i though notifications were firing inside the desktop terminals too .
The desktop terminal can only send push notifications. They can't receive them because they don't have a MQID like the mobile apps have.