Indicator & Oscilator and comnbination usage suggestion please


Dear all valuable friends,"

I am new at this FX Market. I am sad to say that Previously lost money as chose wrong and fake "FX Broker" . Now i found a real broker and deposit some money in USD. I do not have any idea or knowledge about this. I do really need suggestion how to learn and move on that way ? Anyone can contact and support me is much appreciated please 🙏 .

I need for the belows but do not want to just google and in the end may choose again wrong informations etc...

1. FX Indicator(s) & Oscilator(s) use as single or in combination. This part is most helpfull one at the beginning. Because i learn some about these.

2. FX Tutorial or video

3. Any successful signallers also could be appreciated as well.

Looking forward to hear back from you soon. Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,



If you are new and don't understand how it works, then don't use real money nor fund an account with any broker.

Work only with demo accounts with virtual money until you gain experience and knowledge.

For a beginner, I suggest BabyPips School of Pipsology.

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This guy has written a lot of articled describing the indicators of the terminal and how to use them: