Discussion of article "Neural networks made easy (Part 28): Policy gradient algorithm"


New article Neural networks made easy (Part 28): Policy gradient algorithm has been published:

We continue to study reinforcement learning methods. In the previous article, we got acquainted with the Deep Q-Learning method. In this method, the model is trained to predict the upcoming reward depending on the action taken in a particular situation. Then, an action is performed in accordance with the policy and the expected reward. But it is not always possible to approximate the Q-function. Sometimes its approximation does not generate the desired result. In such cases, approximation methods are applied not to utility functions, but to a direct policy (strategy) of actions. One of such methods is Policy Gradient.

The first tested model was DQN. And it shows an unexpected surprise. The model generated a profit. But it executed only one trading operation, which was open throughout the test. The symbol chart with the executed deal is shown below.

Testing DQN

By evaluating the deal on the symbol chart, you can see that the model clearly identified the global trend and opened a deal in its direction. The deal is profitable, but the question is whether the model will be able to close such a deal in time? In fact, we trained the model using historical data for the last 2 years. For all the 2 years, the market has been dominated by a bearish trend for the analyzed instrument. That is why we wonder if the model can close the deal in time.

When using the greedy strategy, the policy gradient model gives similar results. Remember, when we started studying reinforcement learning methods, I repeatedly emphasized the importance of the right choice of reward policy. So, I decided to experiment with the reward policy. In particular, in order to exclude too long holding of losing position, I decided to increase the penalties for unprofitable positions. For this, I additionally trained the policy gradient model using the new reward policy. After some experiments with the model hyperparameters, I managed to achieve 60% profitable operations. The testing graph is shown below.

The average position holding time is 1 hour 40 minutes.

Author: Dmitriy Gizlyk