Profits & All Other Strategy Tester Fields Not Calculating For Custom Symbols



I have created a custom symbol and changed the tick size, volume and other setting as per the symbol.

Trades are successfully getting placed in the strategy tester 

But no other fields are getting calculated. Example Profits, drawdown, etc ( all strategy tester fields )

What is the actual problem

nithinpiratez: Hey, I have created a custom symbol and changed the tick size, volume and other setting as per the symbol. Trades are successfully getting placed in the strategy tester but no other fields are getting calculated. Example Profits, drawdown, etc ( all strategy tester fields ). What is the actual problem?

You will need to provide much more detail if you want us to be able to offer your some sort of answer.

We cannot read your mind, nor can we see what is happening on your computer, nor do we know how you created your Custom Symbol or what data you supplied for it.

A few short sentences is not mush information for us to go on.