Get values from Zigzag indicator - performance issue



I want to get calculated values from the Zigzag indicator.

My code looks like this:


bool GetZigZagValues(double &get_values[],datetime &get_times[],int handle)
   double values[];         // An array for the values of the zigzag
   datetime times[];        // An array to get time
   int size=10000;            // Size of the array
   int n=20;
//--- Copy the last 100 values of the indicator
   int copied=CopyBuffer(handle,0,0,size,values);
//--- Check the number of values copied
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to copy %d values of the indicator with the handle=%d. Error code %d",
      return false;
//--- Define the order of access to the arrays as in a timeseries
   ArraySetAsSeries(times,true);   ArraySetAsSeries(get_times,true);
      PrintFormat("%s: Failed to copy %d values from CopyTime(). Error code %d",
      return false;
//--- Define the order of access to the array as in a timeseries
//--- Write here the numbers of bars, in which fractures were found
   int positions[];
//--- Set array sizes
   ArrayResize(get_values,n); ArrayResize(get_times,n); ArrayResize(positions,n);
//--- Counters
   int i=0,k=0;
//--- Start to search for fractures
      double v=values[i];
      //--- We are not interested in empty values
         //--- Remember the bar number
         //--- Remember the value of a zigzag on the fracture
         PrintFormat("%s: Zigzag[%d]=%G",__FUNCTION__,i,values[i]);
         //--- Increase the counter
//--- Successful
   return true;


Now my problem is that the copy operation causes bad performance, because the method will be called in the OnTick() method.

 Furthermore, I am dependent on the size variable, because I might not get X zig zag values from Y bars, which will cause an ArrayOutOfBound exception.


Any ideas how I can make this more dynamic (without the size variable) and faster? 

 Thanks in advance. 

int found;
int i;
double zz;
int ExtDepth =12
int ExtDeviation = 5;
int ExtBackstep =5;
double ZZ[10];

 if(i > Bars - 1) break;

    zz = iCustom(Symbol(),Period(),"ZigZag",ExtDepth,ExtDeviation,ExtBackstep,0,i);
    if( zz != 0)
     ZZ[found] = zz;

Put last 10 zz into array. Maybe that helps.