Mql4 short code

Under if statement, can I write multiple conditions with bracket,

Example -: if  ( ( example1==example 2) == example 0) & example 0== example 1)

How I can write this type of multiple conditions under if statement.

Will this work?
onebd33: Under if statement, can I write multiple conditions with bracket, Example -: if  ( ( example1==example 2) == example 0) & example 0== example 1) How I can write this type of multiple conditions under if statement. Will this work?
// Just an example
if( ( ( example0 == example1 ) || ( example0 == example2 ) ) && ( example1 != example2 ) )
{ ... }; 

Boolean Operations - Operations and Expressions - Language Basics - MQL4 Reference

Conditional Operator if-else - Operators - Language Basics - MQL4 Reference