I Can't Make Withdrawal From My Personal Account On MQL5 Forum

I Can't Make Withdrawal From My Personal Account, From the Maintenance Date I Tried To Make The Withdrawal Operation Again And The Result I Get Back Is My Card Is Faulty While My Visa Card Still Able to Make Deposits to Personal Accounts
Anh Quan Le:
I Can't Make Withdrawal From My Personal Account, From the Maintenance Date I Tried To Make The Withdrawal Operation Again And The Result I Get Back Is My Card Is Faulty While My Visa Card Still Able to Make Deposits to Personal Accounts

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Carl Schreiber #:

Liên hệ với Bộ phận Dịch vụ .

I contacted desk service but it was not the answer I was looking for

Anh Quan Le #: I contacted desk service but it was not the answer I was looking for

Since you have not informed us of what answer was given, nor what answer you wanted, then there is nothing more anyone else on the forum can say or do for you.