Adding additional information to an existing file created by FileWrite()


Morning all

I have a FileWrite() function which works perfectly, however, I am wanting to add attentional information in new columns appended to the end of an existing spreadsheet, created by the FileWrite() function.

Is there a way in which to achieve this?

All the best, 

Pip Pip!

if(/*EA Opens order*/){

	int file_handle = FileOpen(.....);

		FileSeek(<file_handle>, 0, SEEK_END);        


if(/*EA Closes Order via OrderSelect() Function*/){

        FileOpen(//Opens File Above); 

		FileSeek(<file handle>, 0, SEEK_END);  

                	FileWrite(....) //Write information to existing file by adding columns to existing file.

Using spreadsheets to build trading strategies
Using spreadsheets to build trading strategies
The article describes the basic principles and methods that allow you to analyze any strategy using spreadsheets (Excel, Calc, Google). The obtained results are compared with MetaTrader 5 tester.
TheHonestPrussian: Is there a way in which to achieve this?
  1. Perhaps you should read the manual. FileSeek does not take a file name.
       How To Ask Questions The Smart Way. (2004)
          How To Interpret Answers.
             RTFM and STFW: How To Tell You've Seriously Screwed Up.

  2. Append to the file.
              Write to File Syntax - MQL4 programming forum #4 (2019)


To add text to a specific row, you might have to read the entire file, find the line, append it and then rewrite the entire file.

Something like this?

string line="";
int lineno=0;
string txt="";

int file0=FileOpen("test0.txt",FILE_READ|FILE_TXT);
   line=StringConcatenate(line," extra info");