How to make technical analysis drawings not to get deleted when system is shut down


Hello fellow traders,

I have problem with my laptop whereby after analyzing any pair the drawings I made during the technical analysis get deleted when I shut down. All the drawings get deleted when I on my system again.

I need some guide on what I can do so that the drawings will be retained until I consciously delete them myself.


Moses Okpala

Make it a template and give it a unique name?
6079156: r the drawings I made during the technical analysis get deleted when I shut down.
  1. Close the terminal and wait 15 seconds before shutting down.
  2. If they are still deleted, you have code running that is deleting them.
How can I learn this program until I became expert from heree

Tobias Johannes Zimmer #:
Make it a template and give it a unique name?
Thank you Tobias. But its cumbersome creating templates for all my analysis