MT5 locking up


Recently my MT5 has started locking up and I either have to restart or it may start up again in 5-15min.  This is on my dedicated trading computer. Dell G7 gaming i7 10750  16G  (1 year old).

I run the same profile and templates on an older machine i7 4770  16G .which also has background stuff running. The older machine has no problems.

Should I reload MT5?  Can that be done without loosing all my templates and profiles (there are many)?

Thanks in advance for any assistance


Instead of hiding the problem via reload, why don't you look at the logs and find out why?

Recently my MT5 has started locking up and I either have to restart or it may start up again in 5-15min.  This is on my dedicated trading computer. Dell G7 gaming i7 10750  16G  (1 year old).

I run the same profile and templates on an older machine i7 4770  16G .which also has background stuff running. The older machine has no problems.

Should I reload MT5?  Can that be done without loosing all my templates and profiles (there are many)?

Thanks in advance for any assistance


William Roeder #:
Instead of hiding the problem via reload, why don't you look at the logs and find out why?

Good Idea but I've never done that before and am not sure how. I'll try to research that later tonight
