When will Federal Reserve raise US interest rate?

  • 14% (4)
  • 24% (7)
  • 10% (3)
  • 7% (2)
  • 3% (1)
  • 7% (2)
  • 3% (1)
  • 0% (0)
  • 17% (5)
  • 14% (4)
Total voters: 29

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Press review

newdigital, 2015.03.31 14:41

2015-03-31 13:00 GMT (or 15:00 MQ MT5 time) | [USD - FOMC Member Lacker Speech]

[USD - FOMC Member Lacker Speech] = Due to speak about the economic outlook at the Greater Richmond Chamber of Commerce's Spring Regional Forum. Audience questions expected. Federal Reserve FOMC members vote on where to set the nation's key interest rates and their public engagements are often used to drop subtle clues regarding future monetary policy


  • Consumer spending has increased in recent months, bolstered by improvements in the labor market and in households’ balance sheets.
  • The economy still faces some challenges, including a sluggish housing market, potentially weaker exports and declines in government spending.
  • GDP growth is likely to average between 2 and 2 ½ percent during 2015. 
  • Inflation is currently below the FOMC’s goal of 2 percent, in part due to lower energy and import prices. These effects are transitory, however, and inflation expectations remain stable, making it likely that inflation will move back toward 2 percent this year.
  • Given the improvements in the labor market and other indicators, June will likely be an appropriate time to raise the federal funds rate target.