gcc/g++ linux


Hi there. Apologies if this question has already been asked/answered elsewhere. I know nothing about MQL but am an extremely experienced professional C (mostly Unix/Linux) programmer. A friend of mine is attempting to develop some sort of automated algorithm which he's almost got working and I have agreed to help him.

What I would ideally like to do is to take his MQL code and the write a C test-harness for it, ideally under gcc/Linux. That way I can then run it under a debugger to see exactly where it's going wrong and also stress test it by firing arbitrary test data at it. Obviously in this state it would be completely unable to do any actual trading, but we just want to debug the algorithm to check it would make the expected decisions and once that it done move it back to the live platform.

From the little I've seen of MQL it looks pretty similar to C. Has anybody successfully done this. A possible alternative to using gcc/Linux/gdb etc. might be to use MSVC under Windows but my preferred route would be Linux.


a debugger exists in MQL4/MQL5 (green arrow in metaeditor).....

why use C?