MQL4 Book : Creation of a Normal Program



Whilst reading through the MQL4 book, I downloaded and tried to compile the example .mq4 and .mqh files from the section called Structure of a Normal Program (  Unfortunately compiling it causes a series of error messages.  I suspect this might have something to do with the 'Build 600+' changes in the MQL language.  Does anyone know if these files are available anywhere as compatible with the latest MQL4 builds (I have tried several searches on this site and google but haven't turned up anything yet)?  Are there any resources to guide on resolving pre-600 build MQL issues?  Thank you in advance.

Structure of a Normal Program - Creation of a Normal Program - MQL4 Tutorial
Structure of a Normal Program - Creation of a Normal Program - MQL4 Tutorial
Have a close look at the compile errors, you may see solutions in the error messages