what is market inefficiency - page 10

Олег avtomat:


In my view, the expression"market inefficiency" isbullshit!

The very phenomenon referred to as efficiency and inefficiency is very much in place. Here is a good example. But the name, like all names, does not capture the essence of the phenomenon.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Once again, econometrics haters start making up their own definitions

Effekt(lat.effectus, toperform,act,lat.efficio, to perform, to act) is a polysemous word.

If it is their econometric term, then everything makes sense.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

If this is their econometrics term, then it all makes sense.

this is from wikipedia, so that someone can ever understand why "efficiency" is a very good definition for a hypothesis

when you understand it, let me know.
Олег avtomat:

the elderflower in the garden...

At least think a little bit.

I understand, I sympathize...

Олег avtomat:

Come on ;)))

And the recent bursting of the bubbles. Has it been forgotten already...?

And the fraud of the Nasdaq executives? Has that been forgotten too?

And the examples are endless... And even more sophisticated ones. Progress has made progress! ;)))))))

We talk about infrastructure deficiencies that allow third parties to join the process, and you cite fraudulent schemes. So who has the elder?)

Let's define efficiency through process costs, which can be monetised by qualitatively improving the process.

If production waste A is 10% of inputs and production waste B is 20%, then the former is more efficient than the latter, and this difference opens up some possibilities. For example, to recycle or dispose of this waste, or to supply enterprise B with more efficient equipment.

If shipping goods by sea costs N and by rail costs 1.2N, all other things being equal, then 0.2N is the difference which can be gained by investing in shipping.

The Rothschild story is exactly the same. He received the information before others because of the weakness of information exchange - he skillfully used it. Telegraph was extended, then radio and internet - that's it, the shop is closed. Now the process is efficient and there are no more fish in this place.

It is obvious.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

There is a good example of exploiting market inefficiencies in this thread itself). Namely, the DC advertising market. This is a good example of using the inefficiencies of the market, namely the market of advertising for brokerage companies. People are involved - the scheme works.

As they used to say - cheap and sour).

What a load of nonsense you are talking...

Your slumber of the mind gives birth to monsters.


Aleksey Nikolayev:

You do a good job with emotion, but sometimes you have to turn to ration.

And this nonsense of yours is your ration???

что такое неэффективность рынка
что такое неэффективность рынка
  • 2020.12.01
  • www.mql5.com
Друзья, помогите разобраться. Периодически слышу в интервью об этих неэффективностях и о том, что они помогают зарабатывать...
Aleksey Nikolayev:

Please contact me when you have any rational arguments to refute this opinion of mine - if you really want to refute it, rather than just trying to crush me emotionally.

Just in case, I should add that I don't see anything wrong with advertising. Quite an honourable thing to do.

I've never stooped to it.

But I do my task at the convenience of the competition.

When the task at hand has been completed, then I'll switch to the Robbins Cup.

(I suspect you'll see a commercial for that too, but this time it's a Robbins Cup commercial)


Олег avtomat:

I have never stooped to that.

But I'm tackling my task in a competition that's convenient for it.

When the task at hand has been completed, then I'll switch to the Robbins Cup.

(I suspect you'll see a commercial for that too, but this time it's a Robbins Cup commercial)


Leha, I've been watching you for a long time, and I see that you have a thing for contests. Plus the desire to get people on the forum emotionally, to get banned. Here are your goals