WebRequesting non-standard port?

Hello guys, may I ask you a little question: Is it possible to send a webrequest to a specific port? (MQL4) And how can I set up metatrader 4 to communicate with a localhost? Is it possible to send a request to a "http://localhost:10000/" ?

WebRequest returns ERR_WEBREQUEST_INVALID_ADDRESS and I'm not satisfied with this.
Hello guys, may I ask you a little question: Is it possible to send a webrequest to a specific port? (MQL4) And how can I set up metatrader 4 to communicate with a localhost? Is it possible to send a request to a "http://localhost:10000/" ?

WebRequest returns ERR_WEBREQUEST_INVALID_ADDRESS and I'm not satisfied with this.

Please read the documentation :

Server port is automatically selected on the basis of the specified protocol - 80 for "http://" and 443 for "https://".

WebRequest - MQL4 Documentation
  • docs.mql4.com
WebRequest - MQL4 Documentation
that's awesome. -_- But thanks :) ...
Alain Verleyen:

Please read the documentation :

Yes, this is a very serious limitation and should be solved. Sometimes another webserver is already

on 80 port. so it takes, port forwarding on routers, vpn and virtual hosts and other workarounds to make it work.


Joined the party late - but there *is* a solution to this quandary.

Port forwarding works very well.




#property strict

#include <Class/JAson.mqh>

enum TimeFrames
       CURRENT    = 0,
       M1         = 1,
       M5         = 5,
       M15        = 15,
       M30        = 30,
       H1         = 60,
       H4         = 240,
       D1         = 1440,
       W1         = 10080,
       MN1        = 43200

void Post(string json)
    int    res;     // To receive the operation execution result
    char   data[];  // Data array to send POST requests
    char   result[];

    string sep="-------Jyecslin9mp8RdKV"; // multipart data separator
    string auth     =  NULL;
    string headers    = "application/json";
    string url        = StringConcatenate("http://mt4dev01.com/.json");

    int timeout=1000; //--- Timeout below 1000 (1 sec.) is not enough for slow Internet connection

    string strResult;
    string result_header;
    //--- Reset the last error code



    //--- Checking errors
       Print("Error in WebRequest. Error code  =",GetLastError());
       //--- Perhaps the URL is not listed, display a message about the necessity to add the address
       Print("Add the address '"+url+"' in the list of allowed URLs on tab 'Expert Advisors'");
         for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(result);i++)

             if( (result[i] == 10) || (result[i] == 13)) {
             } else {
                strResult += CharToStr(result[i]);
//         ArrayCopy(strResult,result,0,0,WHOLE_ARRAY);

//     Print(strResult);

void OnStart()
    CJAVal strPost;
    //Example of json String :
    //EURUSD,M15: PARSED:{"bid" : 1.1152,"ask" : 1.1154,"spread" : 13,"ticktime" : "2016.10.10 16:24:01","currency" : "EURUSD","timeframe" : "15"}
    //2023.12.21 12:09:27.638   MT4Post EURUSD,H1: {"Currency":"EURUSD","TimeFrame":"H1","TickTime":"2023.12.21 22:09:27","Bid":1.09929000,"Ask":1.09942000,"Spread":0.00013000}

    strPost["Currency"]     = Symbol();
    strPost["TimeFrame"]    = EnumToString((TimeFrames)Period());
    strPost["TickTime"]     = TimeToString(TimeCurrent(),TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS);
    strPost["Bid"]          = Bid;
    strPost["Ask"]          = Ask;
    strPost["Spread"]       = Ask-Bid;



** Sample nginx conf, /etc/hosts file and process start:

Took a minute or two to figure out - but, it totally works.

Mapping Hostnames with Ports in /etc/hosts
Mapping Hostnames with Ports in /etc/hosts
  • 2021.01.31
  • Rens Verhage
  • www.baeldung.com
In Linux, /etc/hosts is a file used by the operating system to translate hostnames to IP-addresses. It is also called the ‘hosts’ file. By adding lines to this file, we can map arbitrary hostnames to arbitrary IP-addresses, which then we can use for testing websites locally. In this tutorial, we take a look at how we can take this a step...