OOP vs procedural programming - page 31


How can we explain why many brokers call MQL4 platform popular, but do not apply this epithet to MQL5?

Obviously, the difference is in the OOP, which is much harder to master and, as a consequence, in debugging and support of the written code.

For professional programmers this requirement is not critical, on the contrary, they actually benefit from "the more complicated, the better" for many reasons, since programmers are usually paid by the hour, and with a complex code you can simply earn more by the hour. It also makes it harder for other programmers to decipher and understand the code, which increases the employer's dependence on this programmer, etc.

It is also obvious that for the purposes of trading, where payment or expenditure of one's own time is usually made by the project, not by the hour, this rule does not work.

what does this have to do with OOP at all? what does it have to do with....

The broker cares about traders, and if in his case there are more traders in MT4 than in MT5, it has nothing to do with, for example, the standard library. It's just the way he does business.

The end user of the platform (the trader) also does not really care what programming paradigm and code design style the programmer adheres to.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Open the certificate.

Which one? Unfortunately, I don't see anything about OOP in the MQL4 reference.
Which one? Unfortunately, I don't see anything about OOP in the MQL4 handbook.
The languages are almost identical 1:1. What differs is the API provided by the platform, the level of optimization and the tester/optimizer is faster (but not more convenient in my opinion) in 5
Maxim Kuznetsov:

what does this have to do with oOP? what does.... have to do with it?

the broker cares about traders and if in his case there are more traders in MT4 than in MT5, it has nothing to do with the standard library for example. It's just the way he does business.

What does this have to do with business in general? A broker takes a ready-made platform and builds his business on it... If the platform is not popular with traders, the business will go accordingly....

Which one? Unfortunately, I don't see anything about OOP in the MQL4 handbook.

You're a wild one, aren't you?

Maxim Kuznetsov:
the languages are almost identical 1:1.

Can you give me a link to the MQL4 documentation that describes all the features of MQL5?

Vasiliy Sokolov:

You're a wild one, aren't you?

The link doesn't work.


The link doesn't work.

Then two options for you: 1) kill yourself on the wall 2) update the terminal to 2017.
Vasiliy Sokolov:
to update the terminal to 2017.
Is there no working link for a review without updating the terminal?
Maxim Kuznetsov:
The languages are almost identical 1:1. What differs is the API provided by the platform, the level of optimization and the tester/optimizer is nicer (but not more convenient in my opinion) in 5
If that were the case, what prevents the MT5 platform from also supporting the API from MT4 and the same level of optimization?