How and where to set up a hedge fund? - page 6

Andrey Kisselyov:
In order to understand what the country needs to solve problems, you need to know a lot more than how to make $1 million for the country.


P.S. It's like that saying, "When the country needs heroes, the country gives birth to fools.

you need to join the nerd society.))) they'll be happy to see you there.

And it's not Country, it's P***a, literate. You should be reading the classics instead of watching soap operas on TV.

Alexey Volchanskiy:
You should read more classics instead of watching soap operas on TV.
I don't watch TV at all, there's nothing to watch, so it's not for me.


Yeah. There was a team of traders and programmers here.

I do not understand, are they really so primitive that they think that people will try to do something for a penny?


Yeah. There was a team of traders and programmers here.

I do not understand, are they really so primitive that they think that people will try to do something for a penny?

They may not employ 10 people but if they employ 1 000 or 10 000, they may find a couple of three people who will try to do something for free and they do not need more.
he is now able to use the information to a better extent, because he got the upper hand from the first ones and says "i had a team... in our work we achieved unbelievable results...". "we've achieved incredible results in our work... "they cannot be called primitive they want to find "the primitive" (those who do not really understand that they are being used to their full potential), to achieve their goals .

Alexey Volchanskiy:

we'll write a book about it later, sell it for a lakh and open a Horns and Hooves HF on it ))) just watching a movie about a writer who can't write a single line for a month? his girlfriend left him, he's depressed...

he's about to get some brain-stimulating pills from his friend and starts turning into a super genius, a winner at the stock exchange, etc.

watched it a long time ago, can't remember the ending, I recommend it, Limitless

I suggest the title:

"how to create HF or thinking about big moneyGrrrr"


Renat Akhtyamov:



and in the preface add "based on the novel "12 Chairs" by Ilf and Petrov in a modern interpretation".

Andrey Kisselyov:
and in the preface add "based on the novel by Ilf and Petrov "The Twelve Chairs" in a modern interpretation".

With respect.

the script is probably already gone...

Anyone with talent can take a look and go - books, films...

The media, let them read it.

Renat Akhtyamov:

the script is probably already gone...

Any talent to look at it and away they go - books, films...

The media, let them read it.

Well, the HF is screwed. I'll have to keep writing robots and look for probabilities of profitable entries at different timeframes.

Andrey Kisselyov:
I'll have to keep writing robots and look for probabilities of profitable entries at different timeframes.

With respect.

The popularization for others has failed, because we are already writing here and taking the first blow of criticism on ourselves)

Renat Akhtyamov:

A pop-up for others, for we are already writing here and taking the first stab of criticism on ourselves)

any impotent person will find excuses why he did not do what he could have done and will discourage others, because in this case, he is not in the focus of the leaders and he will not get the credit. but if these leaders fail, he can always say that he warned and knew about the failure.
