Looking for a trader with a trading system. I am a programmer - page 7

Maxim Kuznetsov:

I was just wondering what's up... you know what's up.

I don't spend evenings with a Quickie ... that kind of sex is only for money :-)

Fucking hell, I'd have refused even for the money. Honestly!!!!

Hello Colleagues, I have managed to configure the data transfer from Quicksilver to Excel via the DDE and calculate a couple of simple, but very necessary parameters. However, I have a couple of questions, and I'd like to ask you for an answer. When I transfer the data, my macros don't work. Question Macros don't work on the sheet where the data is transferred or in the whole book?

If at the moment of transferring data to the sheet it is not possible to run a macro, then what methods are there for saving the history of changes in a cell? Got a table in Excel on Sheet 1, they can relay to Sheet 2 and there to run the macro? Or if the macros in the book don't work in principle, then try to relay them to another book???? What are your ideas and thoughts on this?

After all, the main point of this dance with Excel is just the ability to collect history, and then feed it to Skynet!!!!!!

Mihail Marchukajtes:

Hello Colleagues, I have managed to configure the data transfer from Quicksilver to Excel via the DDE and calculate a couple of simple, but very necessary parameters. However, I have a couple of questions, and I'd like to ask you for an answer. When I transfer the data, my macros don't work. Question Macros don't work on the sheet where the data is transmitted or in the whole book?

If at the moment of transferring data to the sheet it is not possible to run a macro, then what methods are there for saving the history of changes in a cell? Got a table in Excel on Sheet 1, they can relay to Sheet 2 and there to run the macro? Or if the macros in the book don't work in principle, then try to relay them to another book???? What are your ideas and thoughts on this?

After all, the main point of this dance with Excel is just the ability to collect history, and then feed it to Skynet!!!!!!

I used to collect current quotes in Excel, but not from QuickBooks, but from MT4. When xxel sheet was activated, then a visual Basic subroutine was started and it recorded the data of quotes. I don't remember the details, it's been 15 years and I haven't used Excel since then.


Greetings Michael, there is a good chance that the macros are not working fully. Look here for a start: File-Settings-Security Control Center-Security Control Center-Macro Settings.

Access to the VBA is not necessary unless you are modifying the macro itself remotely.

If all macros are enabled, can you tell me how you work with Excel? A bit of code...

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Greetings Michael, there is a good chance that the macros are not working fully. Look here for a start: File-Settings-Security Control Center-Security Control Center-Macro Settings.

Access to the VBA is not necessary unless you are modifying the macro itself remotely.

If all macros are enabled, can you tell me how you work with Excel? A bit of code...

So that's the trick. I`ve rebooted and switched the macros off again :-( I`ve been warned by Kwik that my DDE server wasn`t running.

So I translate option board to excel table and then I calculate parameters of smile, which are necessary and which are not in the quickswitch itself....


There may be a conflict. Is it possible to write from Quicksilver to Excel using a COM object? Sort of like this:

Excel=New COMObject("Excel.Application");

Book= Excel.Workbooks.Add();

And go...

Aleksei Stepanenko:

There may be a conflict. Is it possible to write from Quicksilver to Excel using a COM object? Sort of like this:

Excel=New COMObject("Excel.Application");

Book= Excel.Workbooks.Add();

And go...

Alexey, I don't know anything at all. Can you imagine, Excel glitched while passing the data. The opening was creepy volatile, now it won't start. I work with Ubuntu and use Excel with crutches there :-(. I'm going to try and run it now and once I've set it up I suggest you finish the question, if there's time!!!!

Mihail Marchukajtes:

Alexei, I don't know anything about it. Imagine an Excel glitch during data transfer. The opening was so volatile, now it won't start. I'm just running everything on Ubuntu, and Excel is using crutches there :-(. Now I'll try to run excel, once everything is set up I suggest to finish the question if there's time!!!!

Wine has a right to be glitchy, and so does software under it.

On Ubuntu, VirtualBox is faster than on Windows - get a virtual machine under it with a "clean" winnings, quickie and office.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

Wine has a right to glitch, and so does software under it

VirtualBox works faster on Ubuntu than on Windows - make a virtual machine with a "clean" Win, Quickquick and Office under it.

Thanks for the tip I guess so, I've already installed it a couple of days ago. And this damn vin forced me to reboot and everything would be OK, but when the data is collected in the middle of the session is not like a kommelpho to reboot ...

Well, I sort of restored the environment. Everything is now broadcasting. Let's get to the core issue. Recording the history of cell changes during the broadcast. I saw another possibility of translation via ODBC in Quicksilver. What is this thing? What it is? :-)