Which central bank do you trust most?

  • 20% (13)
  • 8% (5)
  • 27% (17)
  • 6% (4)
  • 14% (9)
  • 2% (1)
  • 2% (1)
  • 5% (3)
  • 17% (11)
Total voters: 64
Other: NONE! ;)
I don't trust any banks
I don't trust any banks
2nd that...
Trust none.
I don't know
My vote is 'other' and the reason being is the tallest building in most cities is the bank. That means they are making the most money silently while having one of the biggest impacts on who gets money around the world.
Other: None
Swiss Bank 
The Bitcoin Network - an open-source distributed central bank.
The Bitcoin Network - an open-source distributed central bank.
amen to that!