-Hot cakes, pancakes, pancakes! - In a figurative sense, of course. Discuss and criticise the new indicators.

Perhaps this topic is available in the MQL4community forum, but I haven't noticed.

If not, then:
-Greetings, gentlemen inventors! You've reached the critics. -

From the title of the thread we can conclude that this thread is "discussing" NEW indicators.
Feel free, dear traders - programmers, no one here will allow criticism!

- Eureka!!! - Archimedes shouted, having made a certain conclusion. Comrades, the idea of creating a certain indicator has been born? Describe it and "post it" in the submitted theme.

With love for trading and respect for traders.
Your Johnny Bravo.
//|Название : RSAR_Korsar / Корсар                                   |
//|Создатель : Jonny Bravo / Джони Браво                             |
//|Тип : зеркальнопериодический индикатор                            |
//|Построен на основе RSI, Stohastic, RVI, ADX.                      |
//|Работает на основе экстримумов и фигур.                           |
#property copyright "Jonny Bravo"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 6
#property  indicator_color1 DarkGreen 
#property  indicator_color2 Green
#property  indicator_color3 MediumSeaGreen
#property  indicator_color4 MediumSeaGreen
#property  indicator_color5 Green
#property  indicator_color6 DarkGreen
//|Inputs                                                            |
extern double _N_  = 1;
extern double _NN_ = -1;
extern int History = 10000;
extern double RSI_Type_Line_1 = 0;
extern double RSI_Period_Line_1 = 5;
extern double ADX_Type_Price_1 = 0;
extern double ADX_Period_Line_1 = 5;
extern double RVI_Period_Line_1 = 5;
extern double Stohastic_MA_Metod_1 = 0;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_A_1 = 10;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_B_1 = 6;
extern double RSI_Type_Line_2 = 0;
extern double RSI_Period_Line_2 = 10;
extern double ADX_Type_Price_2 = 0;
extern double ADX_Period_Line_2 = 10;
extern double RVI_Period_Line_2 = 10;
extern double Stohastic_MA_Metod_2 = 0;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_A_2 = 10;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_B_2 = 6;
extern double RSI_Type_Line_3 = 0;
extern double RSI_Period_Line_3 = 20;
extern double ADX_Type_Price_3 = 0;
extern double ADX_Period_Line_3 = 20;
extern double RVI_Period_Line_3 = 20;
extern double Stohastic_MA_Metod_3 = 0;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_A_3 = 10;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_B_3 = 6;
extern double RSI_Type_Line_4 = 0;
extern double RSI_Period_Line_4 = 5;
extern double ADX_Type_Price_4 = 0;
extern double ADX_Period_Line_4 = 5;
extern double RVI_Period_Line_4 = 5;
extern double Stohastic_MA_Metod_4 = 0;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_A_4 = 10;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_B_4 = 6;
extern double RSI_Type_Line_5 = 0;
extern double RSI_Period_Line_5 = 10;
extern double ADX_Type_Price_5 = 0;
extern double ADX_Period_Line_5 = 10;
extern double RVI_Period_Line_5 = 10;
extern double Stohastic_MA_Metod_5 = 0;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_A_5 = 10;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_B_5 = 6;
extern double RSI_Type_Line_6 = 0;
extern double RSI_Period_Line_6 = 20;
extern double ADX_Type_Price_6 = 0;
extern double ADX_Period_Line_6 = 20;
extern double RVI_Period_Line_6 = 20;
extern double Stohastic_MA_Metod_6 = 0;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_A_6 = 10;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_B_6 = 6;
//|Declaration                                                       |
int p;
double Buf_0[];  double Buf_1[];  double Buf_2[]; 
double Line_1_A; double Line_2_A; double Line_3_A;
double Line_1_B; double Line_2_B; double Line_3_B;
double Line_1_C; double Line_2_C; double Line_3_C;
double Line_1_D; double Line_2_D; double Line_3_D;
double Line_1_I; double Line_2_I; double Line_3_I;
double Line_1_F; double Line_2_F; double Line_3_F;
double Line_1_K; double Line_2_K; double Line_3_K;
double Line_1_L; double Line_2_L; double Line_3_L;
double Line_1_M; double Line_2_M; double Line_3_M;
double Buf_3[];  double Buf_4[];  double Buf_5[]; 
double Line_4_A; double Line_5_A; double Line_6_A;
double Line_4_B; double Line_5_B; double Line_6_B;
double Line_4_C; double Line_5_C; double Line_6_C;
double Line_4_D; double Line_5_D; double Line_6_D;
double Line_4_I; double Line_5_I; double Line_6_I;
double Line_4_F; double Line_5_F; double Line_6_F;
double Line_4_K; double Line_5_K; double Line_6_K;
double Line_4_L; double Line_5_L; double Line_6_L;
double Line_4_M; double Line_5_M; double Line_6_M;
//|Buf inform                                                        |
int init()
//|Start                                                             |
int start()
  //|Level_1                                                         |
    //|Level_2                                                       |
    Line_1_A = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_1,RSI_Type_Line_1,p);
    Line_1_M = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_1,RSI_Type_Line_1,p);
    Line_1_L = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_1,RSI_Type_Line_1,p);
    Line_1_B = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_1,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_1,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_1,Stohastic_MA_Metod_1,0,0,p);
    Line_1_K = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_1,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_1,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_1,Stohastic_MA_Metod_1,0,1,p);
    Line_1_C = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_1,ADX_Type_Price_1,0,p);
    Line_1_D = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_1,ADX_Type_Price_1,1,p);
    Line_1_I = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_1,ADX_Type_Price_1,2,p);
    Line_1_F = iRVI(Symbol(),0,RVI_Period_Line_1,ADX_Type_Price_1,p);
    Line_2_A = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_2,RSI_Type_Line_2,p);
    Line_2_M = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_2,RSI_Type_Line_2,p);
    Line_2_L = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_2,RSI_Type_Line_2,p);
    Line_2_B = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_2,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_2,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_2,Stohastic_MA_Metod_2,0,0,p);
    Line_2_K = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_2,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_2,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_2,Stohastic_MA_Metod_2,0,1,p);
    Line_2_C = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_2,ADX_Type_Price_2,0,p);
    Line_2_D = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_2,ADX_Type_Price_2,1,p);
    Line_2_I = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_2,ADX_Type_Price_2,2,p);
    Line_2_F = iRVI(Symbol(),0,RVI_Period_Line_2,ADX_Type_Price_2,p);
    Line_3_A = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_3,RSI_Type_Line_3,p);
    Line_3_M = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_3,RSI_Type_Line_3,p);
    Line_3_L = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_3,RSI_Type_Line_3,p);
    Line_3_B = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_3,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_3,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_3,Stohastic_MA_Metod_3,0,0,p);
    Line_3_K = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_3,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_3,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_3,Stohastic_MA_Metod_3,0,1,p);
    Line_3_C = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_3,ADX_Type_Price_3,0,p);
    Line_3_D = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_3,ADX_Type_Price_3,1,p);
    Line_3_I = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_3,ADX_Type_Price_3,2,p);
    Line_3_F = iRVI(Symbol(),0,RVI_Period_Line_3,ADX_Type_Price_3,p);
    Line_4_A = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_4,RSI_Type_Line_4,p);
    Line_4_M = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_4,RSI_Type_Line_4,p);
    Line_4_L = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_4,RSI_Type_Line_4,p);
    Line_4_B = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_4,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_4,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_4,Stohastic_MA_Metod_4,0,0,p);
    Line_4_K = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_4,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_4,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_4,Stohastic_MA_Metod_4,0,1,p);
    Line_4_C = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_4,ADX_Type_Price_4,0,p);
    Line_4_D = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_4,ADX_Type_Price_4,1,p);
    Line_4_I = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_4,ADX_Type_Price_4,2,p);
    Line_4_F = iRVI(Symbol(),0,RVI_Period_Line_4,ADX_Type_Price_4,p);
    Line_5_A = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_5,RSI_Type_Line_5,p);
    Line_5_M = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_5,RSI_Type_Line_5,p);
    Line_5_L = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_5,RSI_Type_Line_5,p);
    Line_5_B = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_5,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_5,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_5,Stohastic_MA_Metod_5,0,0,p);
    Line_5_K = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_5,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_5,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_5,Stohastic_MA_Metod_5,0,1,p);
    Line_5_C = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_5,ADX_Type_Price_5,0,p);
    Line_5_D = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_5,ADX_Type_Price_5,1,p);
    Line_5_I = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_5,ADX_Type_Price_5,2,p);
    Line_5_F = iRVI(Symbol(),0,RVI_Period_Line_5,ADX_Type_Price_5,p);
    Line_6_A = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_6,RSI_Type_Line_6,p);
    Line_6_M = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_6,RSI_Type_Line_6,p);
    Line_6_L = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_6,RSI_Type_Line_6,p);
    Line_6_B = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_6,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_6,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_6,Stohastic_MA_Metod_6,0,0,p);
    Line_6_K = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_6,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_6,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_6,Stohastic_MA_Metod_6,0,1,p);
    Line_6_C = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_6,ADX_Type_Price_6,0,p);
    Line_6_D = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_6,ADX_Type_Price_6,1,p);
    Line_6_I = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_6,ADX_Type_Price_6,2,p);
    Line_6_F = iRVI(Symbol(),0,RVI_Period_Line_6,ADX_Type_Price_6,p);
      //|Level_3                                                     |
      Buf_0[p] = _N_ * (((Line_1_B + Line_1_F) / Line_1_K) - ((Line_1_D + Line_1_I) / Line_1_C) + ((Line_1_A + Line_1_M) / Line_1_L));
      Buf_1[p] = _N_ * (((Line_2_B + Line_2_F) / Line_2_K) - ((Line_2_D + Line_2_I) / Line_2_C) + ((Line_2_A + Line_2_M) / Line_2_L));
      Buf_2[p] = _N_ * (((Line_3_B + Line_3_F) / Line_3_K) - ((Line_3_D + Line_3_I) / Line_3_C) + ((Line_3_A + Line_3_M) / Line_3_L));
      Buf_3[p] = _NN_ * (((Line_4_B + Line_4_F) / Line_4_K) - ((Line_4_D + Line_4_I) / Line_4_C) + ((Line_4_A + Line_4_M) / Line_4_L));
      Buf_4[p] = _NN_ * (((Line_5_B + Line_5_F) / Line_5_K) - ((Line_5_D + Line_5_I) / Line_5_C) + ((Line_5_A + Line_5_M) / Line_5_L));
      Buf_5[p] = _NN_ * (((Line_6_B + Line_6_F) / Line_6_K) - ((Line_6_D + Line_6_I) / Line_6_C) + ((Line_6_A + Line_6_M) / Line_6_L));
        //|Level_4                                                   |
//|The_end                                                           |

First, let me explain why we need such a "bitter" combination of technical indicators and what is the point of the formula:

N* (((B + F) / K) - ((D + I) / C) + ((A + M / L)), where

N is a number which equals only (-1) and only (1), sets the mirroring of the three main lines.

B is a number determined by the Stochastic indicator, it serves as a filter for period (1).

F - number, defined by RVI indicator, serves as an identifier for the period (1) and then synthesizes periods (1), (2), (3), for all the periods.

K - number, defined by Stochastic indicator, serves as a filter for the already defined period (1).

D - the number, defined by ADX indicator, namely its constituent line (+D), serves as the generator of positive price direction for further creation of the period (2).

I - the number, defined by the ADX indicator, namely by its constituent line (-D), serves as the generator of negative price direction for further period creation (2).

C - the number determined by the ADX indicator, namely, its constituent line (Main), serves as a filter of generators of the price direction, creates a period (2).

A - number, defined by RSI indicator, serves as a generator for a period (3).

M - number, defined by RSI indicator, serves as generator for period (3).

L - number, defined by RSI indicator, serves as a filter for period(3).

Period 1 - period of price movements.

Period 2 - period of PO movement (negative, positive).

Period 3 - period of OS (relative strength) movement.

Subtract all positive and negative motions from the total market motions, obtaining the exact direction of motion for the period (1-2).

Add up the exact direction of movement with its relative strength and obtain the relative strength of the exact direction of movement. ((1-2)+3).

The mirror image of the lines is obtained due to the value of the number N.

This visualization makes it easier to recognize cycles of period(1, 2, 3), i.e. relative strength of the exact direction of price movement.

And I will not describe the conditions for recognizing these cycles.

Torreador! Get in the fight!

Mauddy - mauddy.

How old are you, my dear (if it's not a secret)?



Not a secret at all. )
Idea!!! I've been 'visited by the Muse' again.
Copied from........
//|Название : IMB_Imbir / Имбирь                                        |
//|Создатель : Jonny Bravo / Джони Браво                                |
//|Тип : кластерный индикатор                                           |
//|Кластер состоит из трех основных частей                              |
//|Тип первой части : зеркальнопериодическая относительная сила движения|
//|Тип второй части : цикличновременная действенность                   |
//|Тип третей части : разносильная действенность тренда                 |
Code itself and descriptions later.


Not a secret at all. )

You're kidding.
Honestly - I'm not kidding. My body is truly 15 years old, if you count from the day it was extracted from my parent's uterus.

what the hell ???

((Line_1_A + Line_1_M) / Line_1_L))


    Line_1_A = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_1,RSI_Type_Line_1,p);
    Line_1_M = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_1,RSI_Type_Line_1,p);
    Line_1_L = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_1,RSI_Type_Line_1,p);
Honestly - I'm not kidding. My body is truly 15 years old, if you count from the day it was extracted from my parent's uterus.
Your Muse's influence has side effects.

What the hell is this?

extern int History = 10000;

int start(){
   for( p=0; p<History; p++) { 
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------

What the hell is this?

extern int History = 10000;

int start(){
   for( p=0; p<History; p++) { 
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------

You delete this part of the code and then you get an indicator without visualisation of calculations. This nonsense sets the point at which the indicator will need to perform calculations on uncalculated bars.

    Line_1_A = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_1,RSI_Type_Line_1,p);
    Line_1_M = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_1,RSI_Type_Line_1,p);
    Line_1_L = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_1,RSI_Type_Line_1,p);

Thank you, it's a good point. )
Variable (A) RSI has a period of 5,
variable (M) RSI has a period of 20,
variable (L) RSI has a period of 10.

Thank you very much!!!