For those who like to measure... achievements))) - page 21


Once again, the snotty ones have not been asked here when to post charts where and to whom :) If you've got a pussy, get it. If you don't have one, keep quiet and be jealous.

Slush, go to PROSTOKWASHINO with your charts. That's where you belong..... You're going to burden Pechkin's boss with your sketches....

Slysh, go to PROSTOKWASHINO with your graphs. That's where you belong..... You're going to burden Pechkin's boss with your sketches....

Don't tell me what to do and I won't tell you where to go :) Demon merger :)
This is especially for those who like to count other people's money.
Reading other people's stats. I have long ago taught myself to count other people's money.
Profit 2.07*179 = 370.53.

Well, I actually proceeded from it, there are 4 and 8 on the chart, hence 400 from 800. Everything approximately.

And what will you surprise us with?

Nothing. I'm no ordinary programmer to compete with gurus :))


Don't tell me what to do and I won't tell you where to go :) Dementor leaker :)

Yeah,get uncle fyodor on the phone..... He'll help you out......

And I urge everyone to share achievements in the thread, not the proverbial pictures..... Withdraw your money, share your joy and don't flub here...

This is especially for those who like to count other people's money. As it turns out - not for nothing :)

It's specially shown that you still have to black out so that no one will get it.

It was 400 and now it's 800. I hope the others are more interesting.


I'll throw in a little something from the old one.
Specially to keep the jealous losers batting :)

Before withdrawal :)

Date and equity drawdown :)

After withdrawal (general full picture, there are a few deals in the beginning while the main money went to the banks) :

And the rule is the same.

Greedy? Withdraw!

I personally like a normal schedule and it does not matter whether it was $400 or $40,000, as long as the person managed to do it and you will if you want to.

Oh,yeah,you should call uncle fyodor.... He'll help you out......

And I urge everyone to share achievements in the thread, not the proverbial pictures..... Withdraw money, share your joy and there is no need to flub here...

Here's another $10 for June :)
I have one of these for every month (I'm changing the kitchen next), but your personality won't let you do it silently and you'll have to say nasty things :))

It's specially shown that you still have to black out, so that no one will understand it.

You can also black out in white :) That would create an intrigue.
MATR0SKIN: Only your nature won't let you do it silently anyway and you'll have to say nasty things :))

It's trolling, by the way. Don't troll.

I'm deleting the picture as almost all the information has been deleted.

Read other people's stats. I already accustomed myself to count other people's money long ago.

What about the intrigue. Didn't you bite? :)))) State reader (I was hoping Sta20xx would fall for this trick)

There's an ironclad logic to it:

1. No skimming = a demo.
2. Skimmed, but painted over = pennies.
3. Removed painted over = pennies
4. Revealed that it's not a cent = photoshop
5. Gave investment password = something else will come up

And so on. There is a lot of rottenness in people. But it's not surprising, here's a character who demanded a "withdrawal" from 2008, but has nothing to show.


Nothing. I am no ordinary programmer to compete with the Gurus :)))

For gourami, it's in the euronet. There's a lot of new ones out there now, and I'm learning.