Beta version of MetaTrader 4 IDE including new MQL4 compiler and editor - page 15

Sorry, the left page has MQL4 compiler and the right page has MQL4 IDE, but the downloaded MT5 (from above link) has MQL5 compiler, then where is MQL4 IDE compiler?

yes yes that's right, on the left 4 on the right 5

but i compile EA in 5 and it compiles well, but it's written for 4

the 5 compiler will now understand 4 - just showed that one EA compiles there and there

in the near future there will be one compiler for both 4 and 5 - and 4 will start to catch up with 5 in terms of functionality

that's the beauty of it.


that's what I downloaded from the link in the right window.

thanks a lot ))))

Downloaded, took a simple EA, tried to compile and here is the result

is this correct ?

Why does the compiler swear at most of the predefined variables ???

strange, the same build compiles fine...
Maybe you forgot to save the file with an mq4 extension?
Maybe you forgot to save the file with the mq4 extension?

You're right, I compiled by default, there should be something that will tell how the file compiles...

Otherwise I won't be the last one with this question....

We will start next week, everything is ready.
The week has started, when will the test copy be posted?

A closed test will begin this week.

A week after the closed test, there will be a public test.


A closed test will begin this week.

A week after the closed test, there will be a public test.

How long is the public test planned for?
A month.