How to check if an order is selected - page 15

O_o and what is my rudeness? Can you please explain me your accusation?
O_o and what is my rudeness? can you please decipher your accusation to me?

This is not boorishness, but rather arrogance, which then turns into boorishness when I refuse to acknowledge your "authority". I hope to have a constructive discussion, if they start writing to me in an unclear manner, I reply in the same vein.


Don't think a priori by entering the thread that you know the question much better than TC, that TC is a lamer and wrote his first Expert Advisor yesterday, only then will a constructive discussion be possible.

Or do not write at all. If you are rude to me, I will be rude back and please ban me if you need to.

I sympathize with you, with your attitude to life... But I can't help you, projecting your problems onto others won't help you much. I won't give advice - otherwise you will take it as a hint to the devil again. That's your way.
I sympathize with you, with that kind of attitude in life ... But I can not help you, projecting your problems on others is of little help to you. I won't give advice that you won't take it as a hint to hell. That's your way.

I don't project any problems onto others. I am only responding in the same tone in which people write to me. If you can't see that my "boorishness" is a response to the "boorishness" of other users to whom I respond, then that's your problem.


They tell me that I write nonsense, tell me to read a textbook, etc. I answer them what they deserve, having begun to write without going to the heart of the matter. Very much I want to express myself and to rise above others, but there is no reason for this.

Those who answer with substance, I also reply politely and matter-of-factly.

I will try to politely express the essence on behalf of those whose opinion you call rude: if you correctly structure the code (correctly organize the sequence of operations), then the question you asked will not occur. Every man knows: "First unzip the fly, then pull it out, and only then do the popping!!! All other options that violate this sequence are possible, but "for aficionados" ...! :)))

P.S. It's even stranger, having done 2/3 of the planned, to check whether you've done it yourself! :)))

From myself: I am very scrupulous, including in trifles, but in IMPORTANT trifles. And I know how not to get hung up on them! ;)


I don't project any problems onto others. I am only responding in the same tone in which people write to me. If you can't see that my "boorishness" is a response to the "boorishness" of other users to whom I respond, then that's your problem.

Which is to be expected...

I will try to politely express the point on behalf of those whose opinion you call boorish: if you structure the code correctly (organize the sequence of operations correctly), then the question you asked will not arise. Every man knows: "First unzip the fly, then pull it out, and only then do the popping!!! All other options that violate this sequence are possible, but "for aficionados" ...! :)))

From myself: I'm very scrupulous, including in the little things, BUT the IMPORTANT little things. And I know how not to get hung up on them! ;)

That's constructive, I'll think over the situation to give you a substantive answer.

Although, in my opinion, the possibility of saving the environment before and afterthe function call should be a matter of course

Those whose opinion I call rude (incidentally FAQ was the first to apply that term to me here) teach me to select orders instead of answering the question, and every time they think they have to tease me somehow


Although, in my opinion, being able to save the environment before and after the function is called should be a matter of course

Please elaborate on this point. I'm in favour of it too! I haven't encountered anything else, either. And a single error (which you once mentioned) is not a factor to worry about.
Dear, I have been trying to make you understand since the first page that you and only you should be concerned about this fact, but you perceive it as "belittling" and boorishness. If you are not able to perceive opinions that diverge from your point of view on the issue of interest, then why are you asking it?