FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 329

The momentum is over )))) Citizens bulls sleep well )))) Bears are drunk ))))

Bears with profits will sleep well today. And the bulls without brakes will do the whole weekend.
You're living a hectic life ))))

Well, I've moved on, silly as it may seem, but greed got the better of me today ))))
I wish someone would draw a story for Monday...
I wish someone would draw a story for Monday...


Thank you...


It's about to go off somewhere

The momentum is over )))) Citizens bulls sleep well )))) Bears are drunk ))))

..probably the last success of the bears before heading north...bottom three tops on the eu hour...
who would draw the tale for Monday...

Judging by the tale, some moose at the bears won't live to see Monday


...must be the Bears' last success before heading north... three tops on the eurora hour below...

Not for sure, last time they went down


Judging by the tale, some moose at the bears won't live to see Monday

ok... we'll see...