FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 213


drive to 1.30330 )))) the fairy tale needs to be rehabilitated )))

3028 to be exact )))
It was only in the movies that Stirlitz looked on sadly as the cranes flew away. It's not like that in life.
In real life they are illiterate descendants of cowboys, the fact that they buy brains does not credit to them but to the financial geniuses who foisted dollar bills on the world. And most of those geniuses are not Anglo-Saxons, but Jews, sadly enough. But there is always an object with a screw on it's sly arse, and I wouldn't be surprised if the threads are metric rather than inch...
What about you? I can say for sure, there's no one on this forum who has been to so many countries, I'm too lazy to list them all)). Definitely no one has been to Jamaica ))

Well, maybe someone has been here and sometimes immigrants hang out there ... I do not know what to do there ))))

Go to 1.30330 )))) the fairy tale needs to be rehabilitated ))))

not now or tomorrow )))) my 1.32 is waiting for me )))

the whole Volga region is in EU numbers, Germany )))) is homesick)))

A lot of people have left...mine lived in the north but their roots are in the Volga region...

3028 to be exact ))))

1.3030 wanted to write...)))

I'll do it tomorrow )))) my 1.32 is waiting for me )))

today and can't make it...
how it affected everyone ))) great ))) the first course has been taken - how to learn to troll and make people around you troll

now i see why the russians are unbeatable ))) touch and tear))
OK, let's move on... second level... the glonass system is crap

doesn't catch on... move on to the Khohols and Bulbash...)
OK, let's move on... second level... the glonass system sucks.
In your mountains it is, but in the steppe it's beautiful!