FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 120

I wouldn't say they were lying.

They're lying, for sure... the reindeer are getting fed and then they'll say it was a joke )))

And now a commercial break !!!! All those who have bought and sold are invited to take a little break .


Continuation of the commercial break


Continuation of the commercial break

tough guys.... And all so to the point, nothing superfluous.

tough guys.... and all so to the point, nothing too much.

Probably traders, but it's not clear whether they're making a profit or a loss ))))
Correction is over )))) Let's go into space ))))
Correction is over )))) Let's go to space ))))

Calm down, I haven't made a speech to astronauts yet ))))

They're lying, for sure... the deer are being fed and then they'll say it was a joke )))
are you so sure you're willing to stand on the whole depot? :)
Correction is over )))) Let's go to space ))))

Hi there !

Item, whisper later if anything changes.

Thank you.

are you so sure you're ready to stand on the whole depot? :)

I'm not so sure of anything, I wait for my signals and buy stupidly ))))