FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 358


The problem is that you have a lot of money, you can't afford to lose.
I don't give a shit, it's over. 1.23 is going to go up, your order is not going to boo. You can go back to the bulls and bang on your chest :)

It's the same for dumbasses like you to say something whether it's high or low.


Just a reminder: it's monthly on the forum.... of good manners.

I'm officially quitting this forum. I'm sick of being a dickhead.

Don't sweat it.)

1.2050 is beginning to loom ))))
On the eu?

1.2050 is beginning to loom))))

I was seeing these numbers yesterday ))))
Can I swear? =) Eh, I'm having a hell of a day today =) I've closed everything up, I'm off to the cottage for a sauna =)
I'm officially quitting this forum. I'm sick of being a dickhead.
Don't argue. It's only a matter of time before everyone sees you're right.

Yeah, I told you to be careful. When I got distracted from shopping, all the sellers got scared away )))) Dimon, did you at least have time to cover your selves?

2140 - never a U-turn, waiting for 2117

Or it could be a reversal... I'm gonna take a buy, stop at 2139.
On the Jew?

well yeah...but that's just imagining it ))))