FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 213

What do they say? Because the browser doesn't want to translate?

Yes, they don't say shit, they just talk))))

Tantric, what's the tool?

what are they saying, because the browser won't translate?

A Greek exit from the euro zone would be manageable but not desirable, Eurogroup President Jean-Claude Juncker told German television WDR published on the Luxembourg government website on Tuesday. "From today's point of view, it would be manageable, but that does not mean it is desirable. Because there could be significant risks, especially for ordinary people in Greece," Juncker told WDR television. Answering whether he could categorically rule out a Greek exit from the euro zone, Juncker said: "At least until the end of the autumn. And after that too.
Where's the pound going?

Exactly, they don't say shit about anything, they just talk...))

Tantrik, what's the instrument?


Do you think it has broken through and will go up?

You think it's broken through and going up?
the plan is to wait.

You think it's broken through and it's going up?

Broke what? It's gone up almost ten figures already.
don't like the long term.... although a positive outlook peeks through-\\\\
the plan is to wait.

Wait for who? New Year?))) Knowing you, Tantrik, I think you're waiting to sell it)))

Broke through what? She's already gone almost ten figures up.

I haven't watched it since 2010)))) I'll have to go 20 more.