FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 67

Now the eu will be groping for the bottom in a wide sideways sidewall ))))) Then they will trade the level, break it up and everything will continue in a more domestic environment ))))
This is how real paratroopers trade )))

Full moon tonight...
Now the eu will be groping for the bottom in a wide sideways sidewall ))))) Then they will trade the level, break it up and everything will continue in a more homelike atmosphere ))))).
And all this will be going on for a month, until the German constitutional court decides on the Stabilisation Fund, elections in Denmark, etc. etc.
and I have no buy signals on higher TFs, on mtz the trend continues... But I think they won't let it drop too much anyway
I don't care whether to buy or sell, but I don't see a good entry yet, and I will not sell because, as you say, it will not fall far, I agree with that.

Folks, do we have any eliots here????

Careful with the sells, I think there will be a 3-40 pips chatter
Now the eu will be groping for the bottom in a wide sideways sidewall ))))) Then they will trade the level, break it up and everything will continue in a more homely environment )))))

You will be anathematised for thinking like that, like me ))))
Yes and it will all happen within a mth until the German constitutional court decides on the introduction of funds into the Stabilisation Fund, elections in Denmark, etc. etc.
Commodity currencies, on the other hand, have held up just fine )))) Does this have something to do with your recent words that we need to move away from the dollar and the euras into these instruments? )))
Yes and it will all happen within a mth, until the German constitutional court decides on the introduction of funds into the Stabilisation Fund, elections in Denmark, etc. etc.
A month can wait on the fence, of course.

You'll be anathematised for thinking like that, like me)))
At the moment my only candidate for purchase is the 2205 level, but it's a bit high )))