FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 494


Still looking for the bottom))))


The Eura has already been cornered. A shot could go off at any moment....

not for sure, there were few traders today, monday is a hard day not only in the former soviet Union))))
Is that who's buying up my gold? I bought it for 1623 this morning, sold it for 1623 a second later, now it's 1623 again. What, I can't buy at 1,575? ))

It's not clear. But more or less short. If a hundred was going to be taken. And if it's your first depot, it does you credit. I think you've been struggling for a long time. If it's so serious, maybe it's better to take a break.
It's not clear. But more or less short. If a hundred was going to be taken. And if it's your first depot, it does you credit. I think you've been struggling for a long time. If it's so serious, maybe it's better to stop.

What's not clear? bought for 22554 stop 22277 trawl 99 take 23222... I'll take a break, I'll kill the deposit and grieve for a week. ))))

What's not clear? Bought for 22554 stop 22277 trawl 99 take 23222... I'm gonna take a break, bury this one and grieve for a week ))))

With cinzano and kebabs?)))

Cinzano and kebabs?)))

noooooo not with cinzano, I'm not drinking that crap again, I'd rather have a bottle of beer once a week)))

Why Martingale? :)



What's not clear? Bought for 22554 stop 22277 trawl 99 take 23222... I'm gonna take a break, kill the deposit and grieve for a week ))))

Nothing will happen today. Go to zero. Tomorrow will be the day and the song.

Noooooo not with cinzano, I'm not drinking that crap any more, I'd rather have a bottle of beer once a week)))
(Laughs) (Laughs)) Better a Saperavi with a kebab. (Laughs)