FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 256

Well if you recall he wasn't the only one here "suffering from pomposity and delusions of superiority of not understanding others", maybe geniuses are all like that...
Geniuses think differently))) For example: divide the number 13 by 2?

Thanks for the tip but I don't think it'll do me any good, I'll just finish my last 20 quid and quit, I'll be designing magazines for fat guys and aunts who are sniffing)))

cheers ... just if you come back to the topic take it seriously and don't read forums and analysts when trading... the best option is TS of course ...
Geniuses think differently.))) For example: Divide the number 13 by 2?

I wish I knew how ?)))

there will be 13 halves each ))

would like to know how ?)))



I wish I knew how.)

Right answer))) There are many options: 6.5, 1 and 3, 10 and 3.... A genius will look for maximum options. So the scalping master is seven versts away from the genius.

What's there to see... poke your nose in... not the NDP...
Correct answer))) There are many options: 6.5, 1 and 3, 10 and 3.... A genius will look for a maximum of options. So, the master of scalping is seven versts away from genius.

try and solve it - if you have the desire and time... the last post is a problem...


Try and solve it - if you have the desire and time... the last post is a problem...

I will. Thank you.

Are the Elliott Waves concerned?


...I'm going to finish my last 20 quid and give it up...
I'm going to turn off the computer for a few days and forget about trading.