FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 123

Anyone else have any thoughts on this? take a look at the informers of traders' positions at the three biggest brokers. 50/50
sever32: take a look at the informers of traders' positions at the three biggest brokers. 50/50

half kitchens... but the informer statistics in the form of graphs for a year or two would be interesting to see...

half kitchens...

well excuse me for having one)

emphasis on informers of the positions of a large number of traders.


half kitchens... But the informer statistics in the form of graphs over a year or two would be interesting to see...
I don't know how it turned out, but I don't know how it turned out.
I don't know how it ended.

i offered to do some statistics....nothing...

It's been a long time since I looked at it....for intraday pips it's hard...random is more useful ))))

sever32: take a look at the informers of traders' positions at the three biggest brokers. 50/50
Which section can you tell me which one, I can't seem to find my way around.
Which section can you tell me, I can't seem to find my way around.


Thank you!

I've got the first buy to 2540 and we'll see later)))) and do not offend Tantrik, where has the poet master gone? )))) and how is everyone doing?


Most likely upwards