[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 15: May 2012) - page 20

Judging by the behaviour of the euro, it could be seen today at 1.3050
God forbid, only after the move
How these currencies like to powder their brains before moving anywhere

It seems as if the psychological

1.3100 level as if it was in someone's way

And then they brought the price back and now watch for reaction

Like they gave new information.

And now the euro index is up

EURUSD SELL 1.31430 TP 1.31100

Well, it is impossible that the third impulse downwards would not happen.

Too bad I did not place TP at 1.31000 :) In hindsight it is clear that there was a pile-up of stops :)

someone ordered a pulse down this morning...))) got it...
someone ordered a downward momentum this morning...))) got it...

Using TP. Eurodollar likes to cling to round levels.

We use TP. Eurodollar likes to cling to round levels.

I'm not a fan of clinging to them but yeah...

and on a fairy tale 1.32 for about today...


not a fan of getting attached to them but yeah...

and according to the fairy tale 1.32 for today...

maybe but the dollar has little support for this move

and it looks like it's all decided in the eurozone


maybe but the dollar has little support for this move

and that's where the eurozone comes in.

I don't really care... I already took the daily plan... The bears are getting more comfortable at 1.32... I may be wrong...
I'm fed up with these Ameropussies, they don't move the fucking price