Why valenok2003 is against MT5 - page 21


Yura, hi! What's up? Showed up here out of the blue! :-))

The subject is from April of last year.

Reread my posts with interest. Just someone, but not me who wrote them. Didn't recognize myself. But I still use goto.

Hi, I read the forum regularly ... Writing on the forum has become less frequent is a fact

Interesting topic, I've always chuckled at the clever followers of Wirt ...

...usually in a snooty, pedantlike, preachy tone of voice saying goto is bad...

you can do without it... I agree, you don't have to buy a car and walk, which of course is good for your health.

but a man without a car has a better chance of being late for a business meeting.

So let them walk, it is not forbidden...


On the subject

The author of the topic doesn't like OOP.

... Let me put it this way... This is an argument about who learned what.

If a guy is fluent in Word, why would he use a lexicon editor

and if a guy's great with the file commander far. Why would he need a total commander?

I'm amused by another Old Believers thread against OOP, don't understand OOP, well, write without it, in support of the topicstarter I can only say that there are even more advanced Old Believers who argue that you can't do without goto operator at all )))))))))))))))))))))))

:))) logic, common sense and simplicity of solutions

Igor, think about why Intel developers can't do without jmp?

I will answer that it is impossible to do without jmp (goto) in microprocessor logic :)

Have you had any experience in designing operating systems ?

Did you write a loader for operating systems ? Written drivers ? Have you created an operating system monitor?

What was invented by Wirth and later picked up by his followers ... It also has the right to life.

I already answered... You like walking. You're welcome.


Programming languages were invented to avoid walking around, because they have functions, do, for, while, etc., which make the program executable in sequence and thus clear and easy to read.

So we return to nature: throw out the ability to create functions, throw out for, while. Let's keep if and goto:)


Programming languages were invented to avoid walking around, because they have functions, do, for, while, etc., which make the program executable in sequence and thus clear and easy to read.

So we return to nature: throw out the ability to create functions, throw out for, while. Let's keep if and goto:)

At one time goto was indispensable to me, just lovely, but now I don't see the point in this leap anymore. First the use of goto has become more deliberate and second functions have almost completely replaced it. The code has become more predictable, more logical or something. But again, there is still a practical need for goto.

Programming languages were invented to avoid walking around, because they have functions, do, for, while, etc., which make the program executable in sequence and thus clear and easy to read.

So we return to nature: throw out the ability to create functions, throw out for, while. Let's keep if and goto:)

I'm against exaggeration :) both ways

Programming languages were invented to avoid walking around, because they have functions, do, for, while, etc., which make the program executable in sequence and thus clear and easy to read.

So we return to nature: throw out the ability to create functions, throw out for, while. Let's keep if and goto:)

for while while let them stay, but replacing goto with functions is 100% justified. It was funny, looking through my old source code a couple of years ago, leafing up and down:) goto here, and if that, then back, or whatever.

for while while let them stay, but replacing goto with functions is 100% justified. It was funny, looking through my old source code a couple of years ago, leafing up and down:) goto here, and if that, then back, or whatever.

In general, I don't abuse goto

I'm just saying that the operator has every right to live ...

I don't want to deliberately twist myself to exclude it

The percentage of using it in modern languages is rather small.

By the way some Pascal implementations goto :)))) it's even funny


I don't abuse goto at all.

I'm just saying that the operator has every right to live ...

I don't want to deliberately twist myself to exclude it

The percentage of using it in modern languages is rather small.

By the way, some Pascal implementations have goto :))))

Fuck goto, orders get lost here and you goto:)

Fuck the goto, orders get lost and you goto...goto:)

:) if orders get lost it's the broker's.