[ARCHIVE] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 14: April 2012) - page 13

Well, now Margaret has confirmed 1.2... And I've been shouting about it all January... And everyone laughed, especially Stranger.
They laughed because there were no signals down, Stranger went to the construction site, Margaret is at home knitting, Mobile is on the phone.
What makes you think that by 1.2 in the medium term, maybe 200p was enough for these funds, with their capital?

If they had exited the market, there would have been a strong rebound....

Laughing because there were no signals down, and Stranger's gone to the building site altogether, Margaret's at home knitting, Mobile's on the phone.
I was just out on the balcony and a beautiful butterfly flew in, looks like a Monarch butterfly, what a beauty nature creates...
Well, now Margaret has confirmed 1.2... And I've been shouting about it all January... And everyone laughed, especially Strange.
Hi, I never said no, I just didn't know from what level it was going to go down... I was still arguing with Strange...
I was just on the balcony and a beautiful butterfly flew in, it looks like a Monarch butterfly, what a beauty nature creates...
Well, now Margaret has confirmed 1.2... And I've been shouting about it all January... And everyone laughed, especially Strange.

If you had specified which number.... it would have been interesting ...but I can also shout up and down..... the price is all bullshit ...the main thing is time and enegetic levels ... :) For some reason Artikul has disappeared...... a pity...

Yeah, it's like that, and the other side has brown wings
Yeah, it's like that, and the other side has brown wings
We haven't had any snow yet in the Volga region. Yesterday on MT5 someone wrote about our scientist who was not allowed on TV, but was broadcast on the radio. He predicted a cold spell last year because of the accident in the Gulf of Mexico and the change in the Gulf Stream. Next year it will snow in May!
we still have snow in the Volga region to melt. Yesterday someone wrote on MT5 about a scientist who was not allowed on TV but broadcasted on the radio. He predicted a cold spell last year because of the accident in the Gulf of Mexico and the change in the Gulf Stream. Next year it will snow in May!

A Russian psychic said she had a vision: in January 2013 a planet called X (Nubira) will fall into the Pacific Ocean, the continents will shift and half of Europe will be swept away...

Demura, the analyst, advises selling everything and walking on EVERYTHING before he dies, not long to go...

A Russian psychic said she had a vision: in January 2013, the planet X (Nubira) will fall into the Pacific Ocean, the continents will shift and half of Europe will be swept away...
scammers are already on the forums with predictions and programs. (What ocean is that - the planet is larger than the Earth but this is a myth).