FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012) - page 185

Tantrik, send me one too, if you don't mind, and spit on all these f...o...rats..., they're all fucked up.
I'll post it here.

I bought it at your insistence, eurabax)))) if anything you will be blamed!
I wish you'd get off this thread sooner rather than later... I'm sick of your nerdiness... Nirobs and Farts and Mobiles and Tankists of all kinds... Honestly, I'm sick of you!!!
You better get off this thread and hurry up... I'm sick of your nerdiness... Nirobs and Farts and Mobiles and Tankers... Honestly, I'm sick of you!!!
You better get off this thread and hurry up... I'm sick of your nerdiness... Nirobs and Farts and Mobiles and Tankers... Honestly, I'm sick of you!!!

I don't need you.)) Worse than Not only do you smell, but you also grovel))))

And you're fucked.))) Worse than Not only do you smell, but you also humiliate yourself)))
Don't you swear, gentlemen! (you'll smear my karma like that - I'll go to a monastery )
OK, Tuntrick. Why are people so freaked out?) You can't ask anyone, you can't offer them anything, they don't want to listen to anything, they are prediction consumers and are afraid of scaring you off Tantrik.)

where do you want to close? Bought the euro pound! (target 200pp. stop 15pp.)

It'd be good to get above the trend line.


And you're fucked.))) Worse than Not only do you smell, but you humiliate yourself)))
I'm not getting in the way. And you, my dear, you seem to be getting stung and your pussy must be itching a lot. Don't be nervous... don't tear your hair... and the itching will go away.
I'm not interfering. And you, dear man, seem to be itching to get out of your mind and itching to get out of your pussy. Don't be nervous... don't tear your hair... and the itching will go away.

ahah)))) good for you, good for you) sharon stone