[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 399


I remember my student days, 1966-72, the same glasses.
I was showing a screen, the gaffer said the Asians would start correcting today and by Monday evening.))
Yusuf, can you ask your programmer - how is it possible to use your indicator readings in an EA for automatic trading?...?
breakeven triggered - where's the glass! :((
I was showing a screen, the gaffer said the Asians would start correcting today and by Monday evening.))

and they will correct between 25th and 31st?
breakeven triggered - where's the glass! :((
you should have listened to me and Stranger...
By the way, flat-flat is not the same thing as flat-flat; sometimes there is a continuation of a trend by the size of the distance of the flat
I must go down ... what I put on the screenshot above, I put a screenshot with the owls, in fact the same scenario, except that in a crisis, the price breaks and pulls stochastics and other indicators from the bottom cellar, drawing stochastics and other indicators directly on the candles )) in such cases, no one system is good .
Yusuf, would you ask your programmer - how is it possible to use your indicator readings in an EA for automatic trading?...?
Ok, but apparently he has directly written my exel in the original way through mcool, look at the code, make sure, I can only answer on the exel part. but I will ask him.

and will they adjust between 25 and 31?

Especially for you))) But it was the grandfather who said it, not me, I doubt it myself)))

should have listened to me and Stranger...
I should've fixed the 30pp, and I listened to you guys :)))) - but it's not over yet....