A question for those who are making money on forex. - page 9


By the way, also imho, all DC teachers are loser traders, or not so offensive, theoretical traders.

Wah, what "traders"? They're paddock traders. =)
I am slowly coming to the conclusion that in currency trading, due to the efficiency of the market, mere mortals cannot stably earn money ((
I am gradually coming to the conclusion that ordinary mortals cannot stably earn on currency trading due to the market's efficiency ((.
My opinion is that what is known to everybody, told in courses, written in books and published on the Internet does not work.) If you do not know it, it remains the same, but that does not mean it does not exist. That's why you have to find your own style of trading, your own strategy)))
I am gradually coming to the conclusion that the mere mortals cannot stably earn on currency trading due to the efficiency of the market ((.
So do not fixate on currencies. There are other instruments, for example commodity futures. There, the fundamentals are easier to understand (demand/supply, seasonal factors), and the technique has its advantages, in particular, trends are usually more pronounced than in Forex. Sometimes there are many consecutive days without any correction, it is practically impossible to find it on Forex. But there is a disadvantage: low liquidity in some contracts, and accordingly wider spreads and slippage on stops. But if you do not trade short-term, it is not critical.
I have been trading on FORTS for a year now. I remember FOREX like a bad dream. I think that forex trading is the crowning glory of a trader's career, but it is not the beginning. On the other hand, hard in the study, easy in the fight. After the Forex school, the fund feels like in the country of unscared idiots. I think the entire top of the stock market will not gather even 10% of knowledge of the local intellectual elite, but it does not prevent them from making money.
How are the robots there? What is the best site to look at for out-of-the-box solutions? Like the Quick-mt4 bridge )))) can I get in touch with you...
My opinion is that what does not work is exactly what everyone knows, is told in courses, written in books and published on the internet ))) ....
The amazing thing is that it does work. And it is "your opinion" that does not work.
I am gradually coming to the conclusion that mere mortals cannot stably earn on currency trading due to the market efficiency ((.

The only question is how much % per annum these "mortals" want and at what drawdown.

Try the classical "turtle" system on Eurobucks - see for yourself that it works.

I am slowly coming to the conclusion that the currency trading, due to the efficiency of the market, is impossible for mere mortals to earn a stable income ((
You cannot go far with such a way of thinking.

The most surprising thing is that it works. And it is "your opinion" that does not work.

I agree. Except that it may take years to verify all that information and find the truth in it.
My opinion is that what does not work is what everyone knows, what is told in courses, what is written in books and what is published on the Internet.) If you do not know it, it remains the same, but that does not mean it does not exist. So you have to find your trading style, your strategy :)))

This, Sir, is a diagnosis.
The amazing thing is that it does work. And it's "your opinion" that doesn't work.
If that's what's most surprising to you, then be surprised at how "it" works. If only your opinion did not suffer ))))