[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 129


Growth in spurts...))

The rescue plan should be made available tomorrow (and it needs to be discussed, voted on, etc.)

Should European leaders fail to reach an agreement in principle at the end of the Brussels summit on 9 December 2011, they will have no second chance to solve the problems, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said today, arriving in Brussels to attend the European Union summit.

According to the French leader, concrete action must be taken within the next two weeks to save the eurozone. "Time is playing against us in this matter," he said.

The rescue plan should be made available tomorrow (and it will need to be discussed, voted on, etc.):

If European leaders fail to reach an agreement in principle following the Brussels summit of 9 December 2011, they will not have a second chance to solve the problems, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who arrived in Brussels to attend the European Union summit, said today.

According to the French leader, concrete action must be taken within the next two weeks to save the eurozone. "Time is playing against us in this matter," he said.

Clearly, there must have been a longer period involved.
$8.00 is good ... I can turn back to 0.96 ... Too bad about the Aussie ... he shut down early ...
I left a bayiv pending order at 1,1872 last year and I was criticized by the entire GDC management (they were crazy to buy when there was a clear sale), but then after the weekend and they (who cried the loudest) were in huge drawdowns, hoping it would come back, but alas... They were looking at me sideways, saying it was my fault they turned the market upside down and went against everyone...

They're right! At least according to TA, the right trader catches a loser on a trend reversal. (although there are variations - but this is an individual thing - the FA variant may be the same).
margaret: when the pre-summit conference is scheduled...

I see, they must have been talking about a longer period of time.
That's the thing, they're pulling it like a turnip and they can't get it out... that's it, there's nothing left to pull.
margaret: when is the pre-summit conference scheduled...
not yet interested, there should be some kind of press release today, I think at 7:30 p.m. Kiev time
Not interested yet, there should be some kind of press release today, I think at 7.30pm Kiev time
the preconference is probably tomorrow...
preconference probably tomorrow...

On 5 December, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy finalised a plan to amend the European conventions. The preferred option is to amend the EU conventions, but the European leaders are willing to consider changes to the eurozone agreements (which will only affect 17 states).

They plan to change the agreements so that they include a clause imposing automatic sanctions on those who violate budgetary discipline (if the budget deficit of the state exceeds the limit of 3% of GDP). In addition, "Mercosi" (A.Merkel and N.Sarkozy) insists that a special European body could control national budgets of the 17 countries of the euro area.

A two-day summit of EU member states opens today in Brussels, where they will discuss a programme to resolve the pan-European debt crisis. The summit will look at, among other things, Mercosi's proposals for resolving the situation. Proposals to create favourable conditions for the development of the European economy and discuss further integration will also be examined
margaret: Excellent FUNDAMENTAL ANALYTICS ...BRAVO...