[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 73


the downward spiral is already over

I agree. How everyone will be yelling)))
2011.12.06 16:11:01 OVERVIEW: Euro stabilises after S&P warning - we'll probably flatten
What a nuisance these rating agencies are. It's high time they were shut down.

Who says that Mercosi does not act?

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who lead the 2 biggest eurozone economies, said yesterday that they would try to set new rules aimed at strengthening economic cooperation among eurozone states.

For example, Merkel and Sarkozy agreed on the need to introduce automatic penalties for countries violating the limits on the permissible level of budget deficits and that public debt limits should be fixed in the constitutions of European countries.

In addition, Germany and France will speed up the creation of a permanent rescue fund for troubled countries by creating it next year, after it was initially to be launched in 2013. Leaders in the region plan to have the fund make decisions with the consent of a "qualified majority", rather than by a unanimous vote of member governments.

Sarkozy said a consensus with the rest of the eurozone on changes to the Maastricht treaty proposed by France and Germany was expected by March.

Leaders of leading European economies decided to show their intention to resolve the crisis after Standard & Poor's warned of a possible reduction in the credit ratings of the eurozone economies, including the 6 countries with the highest AAA rating.

It should also be noted that Merkel and Sarkozy again rejected the idea of issuing common European bonds. Analysts of Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ say that as a result the main pressure to save the currency union will be on the shoulders of the European Central Bank, which will have to lower rates and buy bonds of troubled countries. Experts believe that the proposals voiced by Merkel and Sarkozy on Monday could satisfy the ECB and also prevent a massive downgrade of European countries by the S&P agency.

These rating agencies have a nagging problem. It is high time they were shut down.

They will not ... It is just not worth listening to them yet, you should listen to them a little if the technology does not contradict them (I think it will over the holidays), but after the New Year ..... who knows what will happen )))).
It's not over for me yet.
How do they feel about their villages now
how do they feel about their villages now
We've been on these swings for a week now, by 1.31... we can still go for a ride.

Who says Mercosi doesn't work?

The poor guys are all working, and it smells like the New Year after the Indians ))))

I suggest upgrading Mercosi to Sarkel ))))


The poor guys are all working, and it smells like the New Year after the Indians ))))

Suggest upgrading Mercosi to Sarkel ))))

They are fed up with this change. They should have a rescue plan on Thursday-Friday, and then we will see where they will throw the euro... But if you really look at the market, no one wants to get rid of the euro, it is not near parity, and there is hope for further growth. It is not clear what Mercosi will give on Friday and how the market will react.
They are fed up with the change. On Thursday-Friday they should provide a rescue plan, and then we will see where they will throw the euro... But if you really look at the market, no one wants to get rid of the euro, it is not near parity, and there is hope for further growth. It is not clear what Mercosi will give on Friday and how the market will react.

Could the rate be left as well?

Probably not very much.))

Is it VolFix?