[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 67

Or even easier, flip a coin. If you get it wrong, average it out. A coin does not lie =)
If you don't hit it, it will fall, if it doesn't fall, so will the plane...

I did not, I said that I could sit and do my favourite pipsing, I will not become a trader anyway, because I cannot understand the news, and my indicators are just for beauty :)))))
Show me your beautiful indicators on the picture...
show your beautiful indicators in the picture...

I join in)))
By the way, just for the record, we pushed back from the central, annual level of the pilot...
pushed back from the lower boundary of the channel on n1 and that's why we went up

Please, local:

In any case, in growth... Interesting.

So it looks like it's going downhill

When you post a picture, at least let me know about the TF... so I don't have to search...
Growing anyway... Interesting.
in which case? on M30 rising on H4 falling - so more specific is needed...
I can't handle that kind of movement. I need something more local.
In what case? On M30 rising on H4 falling - so be more specific...
Well stranger holds buy on both H4 and M5 even buoyed the limits. That's what I'm saying, up.
Basically, for those who are late with their shopping like me, it's time to get into the buy)))) No more falls are in sight ))))